The Crucial Cause & Delicate Dance of Human Unity

Covid 19: a perfect example of how a lack of unity can affect Humanity.

Here we are in the midst of a war against a pandemic – fighting among one another over the proper response to the deadly enemy – or to respond at all.

Meanwhile the virus is an equal opportunity killer, running through the gaping holes of our disjointed front lines, to gorge on precious human lives.

All of the most important issues of our time, from wars, nuclear annihilation, economics, world population, conservation, health, resources, clean water, global warming and more, revolve around the cooperation and consensus of Humanity.

The question therefore is not if human unity is important, the answer to that is question is obvious – Human Unity is Crucial to Humanity’s Survival.

The burning question therefore is: Why, in an age of instant communications, and global access to truths & realities – as simple as the one that we’re all of the same human family – that we remain divided into warring tribal camps?

The answer to that question, boils down a delicate, substance free, smoke like phenomena, called – Myopic Vision.

Limited sight is what allows large groups of people to be motivated, moved, and manipulated into action, or inaction. If one cannot see beyond a certain point, they rely on the words of others.

This dependency gives a few, the power to stage-manage billions of lives, from cradle to grave. A robotic like control akin to voluntary slavery, by telling them what to believe. 

And what are beliefs?

Beliefs are unproven rumors, notions, myths, fantasies, and ideas, which we are told to accept as facts.

Though the statement above is but a simple reality, some people are willing to die, and to murder for these ideas called beliefs, as if they were sacred truths.

Religious wars as example – which are based on notions of superiority – are responsible for the loss of over a billion human lives.

On the other hand, beneficent wisdom, based on historical perspectives and experience, sometimes born in religion – can be attributed to moral codes, which have saved numerous lives.

Religion is but one stark example, that beliefs which stray away, or towards sapient perspective, are as dangerous, or as beneficial, to the species, as to the individual. 

Sapient perspective: Foresight, to respect the importance of each moment, thought, action, and person – as they are the seeds of our personal futures, and that of Humanity. 

As of now, these mental viruses called ‘beliefs’ still remain free to infect minds, as did pathogenic germs in the dark ages. 

Everyone believes, that their beliefs, are the beliefs to believe in – and all other beliefs, are not to be believed.

This atmosphere of selective reality – which has grown more virulent today – breeds tribal beliefs which are in total, counterproductive to all human life, and thus to the survival of our species.

Beliefs of racial, cultural, ethnic, gender, religious or social elitism, or superiority – are the major bricks used to erect walls between human groups.

When groups are separated, they are easy to control and manipulate.

People in groups based on beliefs, versus facts, are reduced to voting blocks, resources, workers, soldiers, and revenue streams.

Without unification, we’re segmented populations, subject to subjugation.

Not only in groups – but our private lives are inflicted damage, in detrimental degrees.

Like a view from a slot in metal door, an imprisoned mind is blinded to the full spectrum of opportunities, to beauty, community, perfect partnerships, relationships, insights, security, and prosperity.

This is both the reality, and the key, to unlocking the doors between us.

Change is not about condemnation, as recriminations only force beliefs underground, where they whisper – awaiting a more opportunistic time to strike again, to spread their virulent mental viruses. Misery does indeed, love company.

This situation has been revolving, repeating for centuries.

Today – is a time, where hate has found not only the freedom to rise, but the encouragement.

Today – however is also the Perfect and only time, to finally derail the cycle of hate. To do so, we only need open the locked doors of belief.

The way to accomplish this feat is by expanding their perspectives with a bird’s eye view, to see for themselves, the realities, on the other side of divides.

In this way can we all see, and finally realize, that what affects us as individuals, affects our societies, our offspring, and eventually affects the species.

Most important, is the Realization that the core of humanity, in vast majority – ripe with morality, quality, dignity, magnanimity and hospitality. If not, we would have been long extinct.

Thus our lives are magnificently enriched, when we open the doors between us.

Take a Bird’s Eye View ~!

Atlas Teru